in a world of humanoid aliens. Yet she was as human as he was, though their star-nations had been bitter enemies for two thousand years.
"Welcome to my world, Kurt Morgan," she said. "We seem to be humanity's orphans in this limb of no-where. Kta t'Elas came and begged for your freedom. I told him you were not to be trusted."
"I swear to you, I have no ambitions, only to stay alive," Kurt answered.
"I hope you remember that, when you grow more comfortable. Remember that you came here with nothing, and that you begged any terms I would give you. I re-serve the right to collect on this debt. You are here on tolerance and I will try you. I am sending you to Kta, putting you in his charge for two weeks ..."
Kurt was beset with new doubts. It was not the way he had known the Hanan enemy, and he began to fear some subtlety, a snare laid for someone. Or perhaps loneliness had its power even on the Hanan, destructive even of the desire to survive. And that thought was no less disquieting in itself .. .