'Apollo Beyond The Universe' is the third exhilarating novel within Chuck's Apollo Trilogy. This overwhelming sci-fi story pits Apollo and his elite team of humans and aliens against mechanical beings who are infesting the universe. These living brain robots are abducting entire alien races within the universe. If not defeated, our universe will eventually become void of intelligent life.
Mystery, suspense, and comedy run rapid as Apollo and his team search for the alien race that manufactured the evil robots. Apollo and Polly's enduring love magically blooms to offer an amazing surprise. You will meet and love the mysterious young female alien, named Afrena, who is the last of her Drog race.
Apollo and his team must go beyond the universe to search for answers to defeat the robotic infestation. They voyage across the vastness of the universe aboard a large luxurious warring ship which Apollo named the Argo. This confiscated ship belonged to a hunoid race that once lived within a false timeline.
Will Apollo and his elite team save all the intelligent beings within our universe?