Sierra is used to fighting for the lives of innocent creatures. But when a killer puts the lives of her own cats on the line, her crusade becomes personal. Animal rights activist Sierra Nakamura never expected to stumble upon the dead body of a coworker while out filming a project. She definitely never expected to get involved in the investigation. But when someone threatens to kill her cats unless she hands over the “information,” she becomes more bristly than an angry feline. Sierra knows that curiosity killed the cat, but she's determined that her snooping will ultimately save the lives of her furry friends. Making matters worse is the fact that her cats -- and the investigation -- are driving a wedge between her and her boyfriend Chad. With every answer she uncovers, old hurts rise to the surface and test her beliefs. She also knows that if she lies down with dogs, she'll get up with fleas. Saving her cats just might mean ruining everything else in her life. In the fight for survival, one thing is certain: It's either pounce or be pounced.