An Impending Sense of Doom...
In the city of Marneri it is a time of annual thanksgiving for the century-old protections of Great Spell -- a time when common village dragons such as Bazil Broketail and his Orphanboy, Relkin, prove their lighting mettle in arenas of honor.
But there will he no celebration this year. For now the Dark Masters of Padmasa, whose fanatical determination is to bring to an end all freedom and color in the world, have renewed their bid to dominate the human realms and to annihilate the powerful witch order that protects them. Aided by a hideous new terror of unbelievable cruelty known only as the Doom, these dark forces have kidnapped the Princes Besita, the heir to the throne of Marneri. And it is up to Bazil and the scattered forces of the Light to rescue the Princess from the Doom's fortress before she can be corrupted by its powers.
Lost in a labyrinth of evil, they must work their most elaborate magic to save the Princess...and Bazil must prove himself against a terror of unknown magnitude in order to save his world....