Early learning has never been more alive...or lively! Dramatically illustrated and die-cut, with engaging texts, the Know It All(tm) series provides a first scientific look at our planet. In Bugs!, they walk, crawl, and fly all over the world. There are more of them than any other kind of animal on Earth! They've been around for 350 million years! And as everyone knows, kids just love bugs! Look for other titles in this exciting series:
ISBN# 0-7681-0067-4 Sharks!
ISBN# 0-7681-0125-5 Snakes!
ISBN# 0-7681-0107-7 Wildcats!
ISBN# 0-7681-0095-X Wolves!
ISBN# 0-7681-0126-3 Butterflies!
ISBN# 0-7681-0131-X Spiders!
ISBN# 0-7681-0128-X Whales!
ISBN# 0-7681-0127-1 Apes!
ISBN# 0-7681-0180-8