“One of the master illusionists of our time.” -- Wired “A head-spinning blast of blurred reality . . . jaw-dropping.” -- NPR “Completely fascinating.” -- San Francisco Book Review Set against “a kaleidoscopic backdrop of Earth's past, present, and future”, this time-hopping science fiction novel is a moving meditation on “the resonance of history, memory, and love” (AV Club) In the near future, Tibor Tarent, a freelance photographer, is recalled from Anatolia to Britain when his wife, an aid worker, is killed -- annihilated by a terrifying weapon that reduces its target to a triangular patch of scorched earth.
A century earlier, Tommy Trent, a stage magician, is sent to the Western Front on a secret mission to render British reconnaissance aircraft invisible to the enemy.
Present day. A theoretical physicist develops a new method of diverting matter, a discovery with devastating consequences that will resonate through time.