She pushed her knees forward and felt her pony pick up speed. Askee rode in front of her waving his left arm in the air. He looked back at her and smiled.
Rose felt the freedom her pony gave her and pressed for more speed. She started to smile when a rifle rang out from the beachhead. Suddenly she felt something hot in her right shoulder. The shock sent her forward on her pony.
She heard the wild cries of charge behind her. It was enough to force her to sit up. The troopers had spotted them! They were coming at them from an angle trying to cut them off. She could see their sabers reflecting the rising sun.
She saw Askee slap his pony on the behind and give out a wild Indian war-whoop. His pony picked up speed. Her pony followed. She was having difficulty balancing herself with her arm hanging over her leg, but she held on. She heard another horse in the distance behind her. It was the shooter from the beachhead coming to join the troopers.
Why were they trying to kill her? She pressed her pony to go faster.