Soooo, you've stumbled across this collection of short stories, hoping for an exciting, quick read that stretches your imagination. That all holds true for this saga, but its excitement is far away from happy. These four stories precede THE PROTEKTOR'S REALITY, and they chronicle Lucian Gallager's life before the events of the novel. The first story starts at around age seven and is in Lucian's new best friend's point of view. He's the same age in story #2, and this one is told by Lucian, but details a horrible loss. By the time you reach the third story, you've been introduced of a world of magic and danger, yet don't understand why I'm taking the time to document Lucian Gallager's childhood. In that third story, spoken through Lucian's father's eyes, the truth behind Lucian's destiny is revealed, and it's everything but pretty. With a duel viewpoint between Lucian and his father, the fourth and final story prepares you for the events in THE PROTEKTOR'S REALITY, following Lucian as he goes undercover in a dangerous and risky attempt to save a group of children from a horrible fate that might await them. So, why am I telling you this? Quite simple really. In order to reach the peak, you must first climb the mountain. These four stories are your path up to the snowy top. But, once you reach the peak, i.e. THE PROTEKTOR'S REALITY, The only place left to go is down. And boy, does that tale make quite the snow slide.