While on a routine deep-space mission to chart new territory on the frontier of unknown space, the starship Mercury stumbles across an apparent shipwreck in deep-space that poses quite a mystery for her crew. How had the Kilgary - a cargo ship last seen forty years ago light years away - got here before the Mercury? Why couldn't the cause of death of its crew be determined? What was in the deleted log entry of the Kilgary â€" and why had it been deleted?
"Mercury Rising" is a preview of "Panic! Horror In Space" - a series of sci-fi-horror misadventures in deep space with the crew of the I.S.S. Mercury - which, of all the starships in the elite Terran Space Fleet, is probably the unluckiest ship in history! Not once, not twice, but many times over, the same hapless crew â€" give or take a few dozen casualties â€" on a supposed voyage of deep-space exploration, stumble into the weird, wake the creepy and trip over the downright terrifying and possibly even supernatural...