Short story turned Novel “The D in Drama” is the popular tale from “Girl: A Story for Every Les Being” of Rose Anderson, a flawless model type chick who is used to having her way and getting everything that she wants all from her looks alone and Sasha “Snapps” Adams, the “most wanted” pretty boy stud with charm for days and has had girls falling at her feet since the day she stepped out of the closet and labeled herself a stud. Rose knows exactly what she wants and who she wants until some unfortunate incidents in her life throw her off her path. Snapps vows to be her knight in shining armor wanting nothing more than to protect her from herself, but Snapps learns all too soon that she just may be doing too much. Get the whole story and see what happens when jealousy, betrayal, and heartache are mixed. It's a new tale of misery loves company.