Ryonna, the Droxian who helped Chase and Sarah in their fight against the Zarlack forces threatening Earth, embarks on a mission to rescue her abducted son, Ronan. To infiltrate Hellstar, the maximum security prison her son is being held in, she needs to acquire vital information. An unlikely alliance raises shadows from her past and it quickly becomes clear that the reasons behind the bounty on her head run deeper than she could ever have imagined. This shocking revelation will turn Ryonna's life upside down. While saving her son remains her top priority, Ryonna embarks on a series of deadly missions in order to uncover the truth behind it all. In the process, she puts her life and even her sanity on the line at every turn…Timeline: The events of this Novella take place between book one (Earth - Last Sanctuary) and book two (Fury to the Stars) of the Universe in Flames saga. They focus around Ryonna's character. While it is not necessary to have read these books to enjoy this Novella, you'll understand each reference to other characters and mention of races as well as some other world building details better if you did. *If this is the first book you read from me, worry not, you can still go ahead and read it*