Something's Rotten in Las Calamas... and it ain't the corn dogs! After defeating the fiendish vampire Vanessa, Carson returns to his beloved 24/7 only to find it threatened by a new foe - this one older, meaner and a whole lot stinkier. Caught in the grip of this evil and a merciless summer heat wave, Las Calamas sizzles with suspense, mystery and danger as Carson faces eery events, new management, a trainee, the undead, betrayal, ancient curses, Banana Yoo-hoo and a sinister old nemesis - the Curio Shop! With corporate execs breathing down his neck, zombie ninjas (and worse) lurking in the shadows and his friends tangled up in troubles of their own, for Carson Dudley, it's bound to be... Another Rotten Night! The second book in a decidedly different horror comedy series about a guy, his baseball bat, and things that go bump in the night. In an ordinary city... in an ordinary neighborhood... in an ordinary store... for an ordinary clerk... things are about to get freakin' nuts... again!