Emma White has been a vampirehunter her entire life, with theoccassional forray into huntingother fiends that stalk thenight.Josie Garcia was her partner,but some years ago she waskilled, returning as a spirit onthe anniversary of her death inan effort to console her friend.On a cold night in a sea-sidetown called Johan's Bay, Emmadiscovers there might somethingevil lurking beneath the veneerof sleepy innocence the townprojects: a powerful vampirethat has been killing andgetting away with it for years.With each step closer to thesource of the evil the dangermounts, and it isn't long beforeEmma needs to summon allies tohelp her fight the mostdangerous foe she's ever facedoff against.Emma White Vampire Hunter is athrilling combination ofsupernatural urban fantasyinvestigation and pulse-poundingaction. Pick up your copy today!