The greatest comic book saga ever told, in one cosmic-sized Omnibus! It begins with a shocking story in which Marvel Girl sacrifices herself...only to be reborn as Phoenix! But when a galaxy-spanning adventure reveals that Jean Grey has somehow attained power beyond conception, Cyclops and the X-Men can only watch as Phoenix is corrupted absolutely. As the team faces the Shi'ar Empire, Hellfi re Club and more, can Jean Grey be redeemed? Chris Claremont, Dave Cockrum and John Byrne weave an epic tale of triumph and tragedy that changed everything for the X-Men - and all of comics! It's the full Dark Phoenix Saga, with bonus tales illuminating Jean Grey's defining story!
COLLECTING: X-MEN 97-105, 107-108, 125-138; PHOENIX: THE UNTOLD STORY 1; MATERIAL FROM CLASSIC X-MEN 6, 8, 13, 18, 24, 43; BIZARRE ADVENTURES 27, WHAT IF? (1977) 27