Casey Winter is being blackmailed by a Faerie Princess...and that's not even the bad news.
Raziel was once the Gray Fox, a noblewoman of Faerie. Now she's the leader of the Corpus Christi Exiles and a big mover in the underground network shielding Faerie expats from humanity. She knows where all of Casey's skeletons are buried, and one bad word from her could end Casey's story for good. But Raziel's been around a few hundred years. She's definitely got her own enemies.
One of them has just dropped into town.
Raziel wants Casey to take care of it, Casey's ex-husband wants her to stay out of it, and Marco Creed, Raziel's hot elf second-in-command, just wants her to himself. All Casey knows is, if she doesn't do Raziel's dirty work, she might just end up dead.
It's life, love and magic in the Nueces River Basin. And like any good Texan, Casey's got a few tricks up her sleeve...