So what if traveling salesman Brian Anthony was Mr. Body Beautiful with a damnably handsome smile -- Dannie Drysdale wasn't buying! Devastatingly gorgeous, ambitious men weren't her type, she reminded herself -- until Brian's mind-boggling kisses swept her into sweet oblivion in his arms. She did her best to stay away from him, but even chicken pox didn't scare him off -- and besides, he'd befriended her nutty father, who kept plotting to throw them together. Brian made her furious, and he made her laugh -- and most of all he made her happy, but that wasn't to be trusted with a man who was always leaving town. Dannie had put down roots with a vengeance after a childhood spent in a dozen different places, and nothing could change her mind about staying put -- not even the man whose life she longed to share. Brian wanted her desperately, but he had ghosts of his own that drove him fiercely toward success. Could Dannie understand that loving a man might mean sacrificing old dreams for new ones?