The Rugged, Reckless Sheriff ...
When Gator Landry came to warn her grandmother that a hurricane was coming to Lizard Bayou, Michelle Thurston felt breathless, shaken by memories of the wild Cajun boy who'd tempted a young girl to sneak out to meet him... who'd awakened her to frantic need with sizzling kisses that burned deep in the sultry summer night. Gator was more dangerous to her than anything the storm might do--he could protect her from the hurricane, but who would protect her from him? Trapped together by the raging tempest, stunned by fiery emotions that time apart had only heated, they succumbed to frenzied desire that years of anticipation had made sweeter. No one had ever made her feel safe until Gator wrapped her in his strength and taught her to lose control. No one had made him feel worthy of love until Michelle confessed her pain--and her passion--only to him. Could the man who'd never felt he belonged anywhere find a home in her loving arms?