The "Princess Luanne and Wizard Heatheria" series turns another page by introducing Melissa, Queen of Palinica, as another person whose life needs changing. After losing her boyfriend, being transformed into a hated Centaur creature, and escaping from the New Luna Coven, Melissa finds herself in the kingdom of Melania, where she must learn to trust Heatheria Winchester and her adoptive sister, Princess Luanne, with the story of her past. The sisters promise her that they will help her find peace and bring justice for the death of Melissa's fiance, Evander--but then, Saleen, the New Luna Coven's star member, tricks Melissa into a trap and captures her while assuming the guise of Heatheria. Meanwhile, the New Luna Coven is planning on giving their patron goddess, Diana, a new body so she can eclipse the world into a new Dark Age. Can Luanne and Heatheria defeat them as well as put Melissa back in their good graces?"