Set in the steaming wilderness of South Africa, this story probes deep into the torrid passageways of the human heart, as six travelers, on safari through a vast game preserve, find themselves caught in an ever-tightening web of passion and intrigue....
For Stella Hargraves, it begins as a time of happiness. Divorced, fortyish, she is in love with Dan Reade, 20 years her junior. He poses as her 'nephew' though everyone else sees past their ruse. Dan is a sensual, handsome pop singer on the rise, thanks to Stella's money and affection. But he begins to slip through her fingers: Vicky Lehman, a pale, intense young woman, has her eye on Dan... and he seems to be responding....
As events unfold, tensions within the camp rise inexorably. With her characteristic insight and compassion, Charity Blackstock brings each of her six travelers to the inevitable moment of self-realization that will determine their destinies.