Original title: The Factor's Wife.
Bored by the proper nineteenth-century dandies who courted her, Meg Rowlands fell in love with Ringan Kerr, overseer of the Duke of Sutherland's acreage. She was delighted with her rough-hewn, moody husband - and her isolated life in the remote Scottish highlands. But soon came the terrible realization that something was frighteningly wrong with Ringan. Was he truly responsible for misery and death among the simple folk farming the Duke's lands? With that question, Meg was torn in a bitter conflict - the demands of her conscience and her passionate love for her husband.
The world called him a murderer... and praised Meg as a devoted wife for standing by him in spite of his brutal, horrible crimes. But only she knew the truth behind this farce of a trial: only she could see the pattern of lies and deceit, starting years ago and leading inevitably to this tense moment in the courtroom. And only she knew that the trial was not the end of the story... that after the verdict was in she would have to face a terrible decision, where one false step might bring sudden death.