An irresistible tale of mystery, romance, and new beginnings...After an earth-shattering break up with her fiancé and her favorite aunt's death, Leila Palekaiko returns to Hawaii to pick up the pieces of her life... and to rebuild her family's historic resort, Kiki House.
In the sprawling place she called her second home as a child and teenager, Leila finds new purpose and discovers the passion she always had for the island is easily rekindled. But while restoring the great home, Leila begins to question her aunt's passing and the mysterious events that led up to it.
As she prepares for the grand re-opening, Leila butts heads with her aunt's staff, especially her aunt's former love interest, Jack Jones. Leila can't help feeling that Jack knows more about what is happening around Maluna then what he's letting on.
Soon, Leila will discover just how deep a spiderweb of conspiracy is that runs through the historic Kiki House, and just how far some people go to keep its secrets...