Armie Croft has just lost the last of his vision, something that proves problematic as he bangs his head against the side of the JCA public pool. Luckily, Leighanne Misra, the nighttime lifeguard, jumps in to rescue him, followed by Mitch Karmi, who is in a suit and has no training when it comes to performing CPR. Soon after laughing at Mitch's soaking wet clothes, and double checking to make sure Armie is alive and well, a steamy connection is forged between the three acquaintances. Mitch wants to hide their m?nage from the public, much to Armie and Leighanne's dismay, but he negotiates and asks they at least have the week leading to the first night of Hanukkah to themselves. The three lovers are stronger together but sometimes you never truly appreciate what you have until you've lost it. Publisher's Note: Feast of Love is the third and final installment in the Croft "Three for the Holidays" series.