From ghost town to growing community, it's been a few years since a group of strangers inherited property in tiny, deserted Fat Chance, Texas. And besides creating businesses, they've developed friendships and romances too. But plans to pave the town may put Dymphna Pearl and her beau, Professor Johnson, on opposite sides of Main Street. In his zeal for the project, he's making great decisions for Fat Chance, but not for them as a couple. Disgruntled, Dymphna heads back to Los Angeles to collect the rabbits she's created a special place for in the hot Texas climate. But the professor is in for another surprise…
Professor Johnson didn't even know about Dympha's sister, Maggie, and when he meets her in a most unexpected way, he begins to understand why. In the meantime, Dymphna is off pursuing an exciting venture to let the world know about Fat Chance -- one that will bring a talented new crew to the eclectic group. The kitschy little place they call home is clearly destined for bigger, better things -- -but with so many changes a-coming will the same be true for everyone in Fat Chance, including the professor and Dymphna?