Stay clean. Pay the bills. Keep the marriage together. Get the career off the ground. Frank August's is not your average laundry list--and Frank is not your average guy. He wants the White Picket Fence, but sometimes self-destruction is just too damn seductive. As soon as he passes the California bar, he'll become a lawyer, make six figures--sit on the other side of the desk for once. In the meantime, he's a San Francisco investigator, and he's just been handed a case that hits way too close to home.
Frank's old friend Ray has been hauled into jail on a major drug bust. Someone tipped off the DEA, and Frank's entanglement with Ray could have him behind bars, too. And as the pressure mounts to get to the bottom of Ray's case and make peace with his own complicated past, Frank teeters on the edge of a huge chasm--one which could pull him in and bring him down for good...