The new Talyton St George novel introduces two country vets who find themselves grappling with feral cats, escaped snakes, and a blossoming friendship.
Change is underway at Otter House clinic when a new vet moves in. Motorbike-riding, leather-clad Ross looks like a bad boy, but underneath the leathers he's a good-looking charmer, and he soon wins the hearts of everyone in the village.
Even vet nurse Shannon warms to him. So when she needs a place to live, it makes sense to move in with Ross. Just as a friend, of course. As they grapple with escaped snakes and feral cats, their friendship deepens, until they can't deny their feelings for each other any longer.
But when a terrible accident leave Shannon's life in tatters, it changes their relationship forever. Because how will she ever know whether Ross is staying with her out of love or out of pity?