THERE WAS NO TERROR LIKE A SAMLAUNCH. THERE WAS NO VENGEANCE LIKE A WEASEL... Every pilot knew the NVA was building radar-guided SAM missile sites, but Washington prohibited any strikes until the death rockets were up and blowing American fliers to pieces. At the Gunfighter's Club in Saigon the cold beer, blaring rock 'n' roll, and bare-assed girls can't wash away the bitterness, and Air Force Major William Taylor knows that something has to be done fast. What he doesn't know is that stateside, a bunch of green volunteers are testing a modified F-100 fighter. Their mission: learn to fly their killing machines into the very teeth of the NVA missile sites-and destroy them. Their code name: the Wild Weasels. When the untested, undertrained Weasels arrive in country, Major William Taylor will be the first to join them in the blood-red skies of Vietnam-for a death-defying mission of revenge.