Star Trek: Prodigy is a brand-new animated series streaming on Paramount+ and airing on Nickelodeon! Don't miss this thrilling, all-new original middle grade novel starring Dal, Gwyn, and the rest of the Protostar crew. While traveling through the Delta Quadrant, the
Protostar crew discovers a worn transporter coil on their ship. Despite Janeway's misgivings, the crew decides to trade a Starfleet-issued battery for new transporter parts at a market on a distant planet. Little do they know that a group of rogue traders are intent on getting their hands on something much bigger: the
Protostar! Will the crew be able to defend their ship and stay out of trouble?
Star Trek fans will love this brand-new, original story featuring all the heart, humor, and action of the
Prodigy series.
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