Nestled within the folds of a war-torn and ruined world, there lies a village. It has no name; it is full of secrets.
Its women survive because they seem to have found a remedy for war;its men survive because the women let them. They all survive becauseFate allows it.
Kate never thought much about Fate until she decided not to believein it anymore. Destined to become a breeder, she wakes up on hersixteenth birthday determined to defy this duty at all cost. It is aheavy price. For her open rebellion, Mona, the Village council leader,drags her to the Pit and forces her to confront her mate for the firsttime.
He is not what Kate expected.
Despite Mona's fierce punishments for Kate's disobedience, the tugof her heart grows stronger; it beckons her away from this life andlures her toward the truth about herself, about her village, and aboutthe boy assigned to be her mate.
The questions bring her hope... but the answers?
They terrify her. Ages 14 and up.