In this thrilling debut novel from Carrie H. Johnson, one woman with a dangerous job and a volatile past is feeling the heat from all sides…
She sweats every detail as a forensic firearms specialist -- and as a forty-something single mother. She's got more responsibilities than she can count, more baggage than she wants to claim, and way too many regrets. But
Muriel Mabley will do whatever it takes to put Philadelphia's most vicious killer in lockdown for good…
Until her troubled younger sister in witness protection receives a terrifying warning -- and Muriel's long-time partner, Laughton, reveals he knows more than he should about her and Muriel's shattered past. And when Laughton's ex-wife and her new husband turn up dead, his own secrets will send Muriel down a twisted trail of lethal leads, disappeared witnesses, and the ultimate wrenching betrayal…