The abandoned Old Bar restaurant has been cobweb-ridden for nearly three years, and has been haunted for far longer. Unexplained electrical failures, sudden temperature drops, scraping sounds, and a woman's cries from the basement are only a few of the strange occurrences at the site, which have kept investors and business owners away from the otherwise charming and eclectic building.Parker Pork Daniels is a retired biker who purchases the Old Bar looking to accomplish hislife-long dream of owning and managing his own business, and is completely unaware of the ghoulish baggage that accompanies the property.Betty Daniels is the leader of an 80s rock cover band, looking to hit it big. Thrilled to get her first gig, she has no idea that the bar is haunted and that her first audience will include the long dead ghosts of a murderer and his victims.Step into the familiar realm of the paranormal with bestselling author Carolyn Q. Hunter, as she brings you this spellbinding mystery.