Cassie Pirelli has big problems - like a mama who suffers from Cupidity and who wants Cassie married with lots of children running around. And her mama knows just the guy who can help her achieve those goals even if Cassie can't see it herself. But Cassie has different ideas, and being barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen isn't part of her master plan. She's busy working hard, building her career, climbing the corporate ladder, and no one is going to stop her - especially not a man. Cassie makes her escape by accepting a job in New York City, and things start to take off in her career. But just when her life's on track, she starts having dreamy thoughts about her boss, who she has dubbed Mr. Foxy Guy. To complicate matters, Mr. Cute Guy appears and suddenly decides he wants more than a platonic relationship. Couple that with a strong dose of Sammy Scarliotti, who refuses to take `no' for an answer and you pretty much have too many irresistible forces and one immovable object - much to her mama's glee!