“Fabulous!” -- SHERRILYN KENYON, NYT bestselling author of the Dark Hunter series on Dancing with Werewolves.
For the first time! All six Delilah Street urban fantasy stories and novellas in one collection, including the never-before published “Film Noir” with classic film star Cary Grant. Cover and interior design and illustrations by the author. 50,000 words.
Prowl post-monster apocalypse Las Vegas from Delilah's retro office, courtesy of Sam the Strip's Inferno Hotel Bar, where Nick and Nora Charles and Asta hang out, thanks to the lucrative magic of Cinema Simulacrums. Meet the Invisible Man in “Snow Job”, the Lon Chaney & Son roster of classic film roles in “Monster Mash”, and feline PI Midnight Louie in “Butterfly Kiss”.
“Rollicking paranormal adventures.” -- KEVIN J. ANDERSON, bestselling author of the Dan Shamble, Zombie PI mysteries