Inspired by the true story of Bill Young, A One Way Ticket is a four book series mixing fact and fiction. Photos are included in every book and Bill’s true story, written by his son Bob, is at the end of this book.Bill returns to the Isle of Man, meets Hilda and falls in love. He moves to Manchester to be with her and begins working on merchant ships and then cruise ships. But his nightmares continue and as his mental health deteriorates, he is in danger of losing everything.Nora is finally happy but she still wonders where her daughter is. Then one day Jennifer appears on her doorstep. Nora’s happiness is complete, but is everything as it seems?Jacob has married the woman of his dreams but discovers that the threat from the Nazis hasn’t receded. Can he survive to solve the mystery of the missing children?As Tilly visits her dying mother she finally discovers the truth about the Nazi plot. But the last secret is even more devastating, one that leads to her final revenge and puts her life in terrible danger.