Christina, Grant, Mimi, and Papa travel to Jamestown, Virginia and learn that “founding” a new nation is no easy task! During Jamestown's Quadricentennial Celebration, there's plenty of history, mystery, legend, lore, lost bones, and more! Joe the archaeologist is accused of stealing priceless “skeletal remains.” Curious clues lead the kids on a whirlwind chase from Jamestown to Williamsburg to Yorktown. Christina and Grant meet Pocahontas and Captain John Smith! They get lost in the creepy woods! And, they acquire an adorable new pet who will be part of all the future books in the super Carole Marsh Mysteries! But in the meantime, Christina asks, “Who's bone IS this?!”
LOOK what's in this mystery - people, places, history, and more!
Jamestown history • Powhatan Indian Village • Archaeologist • First Colonies history • Archaerium • The Susan Constant, boat • Hominy • Yehakin, Indian house • Williamsburg history • Revolutionary War history • The Founding Fathers.
This mystery incorporates history, geography, culture and cliffhanger chapters that keep kids begging for more! This mystery includes SAT words, educational facts, fun and humor, Built-In Book Club and activities.
Below is the Reading Levels Guide for this book:
Grade Levels: 3-6
Accelerated Reader Reading Level: 4.7
Accelerated Reader Points: 2
Accelerated Reader Quiz Number: 110075
Lexile Measure: 690
Fountas & Pinnell Guided Reading Level: Q
Developmental Assessment Level: 40