In the fourth installment of Carola Dunn's cozy mystery series set in 1923 England, diligent Daisy Dalrymple sets out for Scotland on assignment for Town and Country magazine--and finds herself sharing a rail compartment with squabbling would-be heirs, a stowaway...and a corpse!
The unsuspecting Daisy Dalrymple's biggest worry, upon embarking on a journey to Edinburgh, is that she's forgotten to bring a book. She's perfectly content to pass the time daydreaming about Detective Chief Inspector Alec Fletcher--until she discovers Alec's daughter Belinda has followed her on board! Now Daisy has her hands full, between the pint-sized runaway and a bickering Scottish clan en route to the deathbed of the family scion.
But before the express reaches its first station stop, one of the greedy McGowans has turned up dead. Is it murder? Daisy's willing to bet her first-class ticket on it. After all, the victim is the appointed heir-to-be--and she's sharing the rails with an entire family of suspects who have everything to gain by his death. Now, with her precocious young charge in tow, Daisy is determined to unmask the murdererous passenger--and reach her destination alive...