Carol White's Sitting Pretty is more than just a collection of stories; it is an experience. In each story, the reader steps into the life of a character with a unique and vastly different perspective than the others in this collection. The organization of these stories (Rural Stories, Hers, His, Extras, End Story, and Bonus Novella) allows the reader to savor the book from beginning to end or choose which section they want to dive into. Comprised of twenty short stories and one novella, Sitting Pretty has a story for everyone-expect to be delighted, frightened, enlightened, and surprised.
From rural areas of the country to Park Avenue and Boca Raton, Carol White's Sitting Pretty includes stories of romance, mystery, suspense, friendship, betrayal, family, food, and fantasy. Open this book to any section you choose and when you eventually put it down, you'll feel so close to these characters that you'll believe that you know them.
"Ms. White has included an array of cookery along with fast-paced fiction in Sitting Pretty. Be sure to notice what's on the table at Ernie's coffee shop in Claudio's Garden."
- Dimples BBQ Sauce
"We recommend Sitting Pretty for its variety in content and for Ms. White's ability to sneak in food and drink in each story. Kitchen Kill will have you hankering for a good meal. Enjoy twenty courses followed by the entree, Reptilian."
- Buena Vista Social Supper Club"