In 1997, Carol Matas' The Freak introduced readers to Jade, a 15-year-old girl who woke up after a life-threatening illness with an unexpected psychic "gift." But what she knew  -- and told  -- about her friends' innermost thoughts made her social life nearly impossible. In the second book, Visions, Jade continued to struggle with her powers as her dreams showed her the terrifying sight of a murder about to take place. In the final volume, Far, Jade finds herself in Palm Springs, California, tagging along while her father gives a lecture at a school in nearby San Diego. But the family trip is as much for Jade as it is for Dad. A local university boasts an entire division devoted to psychic testing, and Jade is eager to see what these experts will make of her abilities. As excited as she is to share her experiences and meet others like herself, Jade hates being away from her boyfriend Jon. Is this dark feeling she's been having about Jon's new tutoring student simply jealousy, or is Jon in some kind of danger? Carol Matas's imaginative storyline and vivid characterizations make Far a compelling conclusion to this popular series.