The brilliant ballroom was swarming with Shandra's suitors, and the auburn-haired beauty made sure to flirt with each and every one. But when the audacious Nolan Elliott swept her out onto the veranda, she felt her heart throb beneath the stolen map she'd hidden in her bodice. Though she had vowed to use the document to avenge her father's murder, it was hard to concentrate on her mission while that wily rogue was stroking her alabaster shoulders, sliding his strong hands over her yearning curves, and enflaming her with searing kisses.
There were so many thieves in Natchez, Mississippi, that a man had to stand in line to commit a robbery, but Nolan Elliott was resourceful -- and desperate to find the flagrant chit who possessed the map he needed so badly. When the lovely Shandra d'Evereux bent close to him, he got a pretty good idea of where it had been hidden, but suddenly Nolan didn't give a fig about the rebellious secessionists who'd commissioned him to find the valuable paper. All he wanted -- at least for one endless night -- was to taste the succulent charms of the sensuous Shandra -- to map the contours of her silken flesh, kiss her cherry-red lips, and finally sample Love's Hidden Treasure.
Hero: Nolan Elliott
Heroine: Shandra d'Evereux