“Stark is a compelling, complicated hero, one of several finely drawn characters who bring the Old West to life.” -- Kirkus Reviews/Indie Ruffians ruled and murder was tolerated in Alder Gulch, Montana Territory, during 1863 until the Montana Vigilantes established peace and enforced the rule of law. But a year later peace has not come to Daniel Stark, attorney and Vigilante prosecutor. He is accused of murdering his wife's first husband. If he cannot find the true killer, he could well be on trial for his life. Establishing a formal legal system, Montana's first Chief Justice draws a line and warns the Vigilantes, “No more midnight executions.” Nonetheless, Dan knows that they could decide to try him secretly in the Vigilante tribunal, where the only sentence is death. As he pictures himself on the gallows, the ghost of a hanged man haunts him. Is it a vision of his fate to come? Is it retribution? Dan tells himself, I do not believe in ghosts. The Ghost at Beaverhead Rock is the fourth book in The Vigilante Quartet, by Spur-Award-winning author Carol Buchanan. Together, God's Thunderbolt, The Devil in the Bottle, Gold Under Ice, and The Ghost at Beaverhead Rock tell the story of Dan Stark, and the Vigilantes of Montana.