The second installment in the Box Loader Adventure Series, Hazars Revenge follows the exciting exploits of Cargo, a delivery driver, and R-Cycle, his recycle bot who sprung to life with the help of a magical opal stone. By order of the government, Cargo and R-Cycle are tasked to help save the planet from utter destruction by using their super recycling powers.
The courageous heroes must go to battle against the evil Lord Hazar who plans to destroy the planet with litter. Hazar devises a horrible plot to weaken planet Earth, leaving it vulnerable to attack from his alien litterbug army. Its up to Cargo and R-Cycle to foil the wicked plan, but will they be able to succeed?
Author Carlton Franklin derived the concept for his characters from his childhood days working as an amusement park maintenance worker. Twenty years later, he has channeled that experience into writing, reminding all readers that recycling helps make our communities and our planet cleaner, healthier, and safer for humans and wildlife alike.