The Planet Wolf Series: Volume 1 - An imaginary world somewhere in the galaxy with two warring continents inhabited by large, intelligent, telepathic, wolf-like creatures. Find out what happens when two refugee spaceships arrive. Will human and wolf learn how to co-exist? Can they? Planet Wolf is about to change forever.PLANET WOLF(1) Wolves and War - (2) Conflict and Courage - (3) Homage and Honour - (4) Dragons and Destiny - (5) Valour and Victory - (6) Ambition and Alavidha - (7) Paws and Planets - (8) Tales and TailsDRAGON WULF(1) Journey and Jeopardy - (2) Gossamer and Grass - (3) Flames and FreedomFLYING COLOURS(1) Rascals and Renegades - (2) Outlaws and Overlords - (3) Sparkles and Sphinxes (forthcoming)T'QUEL MAGIC(1) Ephemeral Boundary - (2) Enduring Barrier - (3) Eternal BulwarkMULTIVERSE MUDDLE (forthcoming)(1) Vampyre Crypt - (2) Faie Castle - (3) Shadow Cave - (4) Demon CitadelSAMMY THE CAT(1) Cat in Charge - (2) Cat at Christmas - (3) Dog not in ChargeKILL BY CURE