The Planet Wolf Series: Volume 2 - The colonists and their telepathic, wolf-like friends have survived their first battle. Those life-bonded have dedicated their lives to the defence of the free north. The southern armies are reeling from their defeat and Aoalvaldr, the disgraced enemy commander, has vowed revenge. What dangers lurk beyond the horizon? Another battle, another war? PLANET WOLF(1) Wolves and War - (2) Conflict and Courage - (3) Homage and Honour - (4) Dragons and Destiny - (5) Valour and Victory - (6) Ambition and Alavidha - (7) Paws and Planets - (8) Tales and TailsDRAGON WULF(1) Journey and Jeopardy - (2) Gossamer and Grass - (3) Flames and FreedomFLYING COLOURS(1) Rascals and Renegades - (2) Outlaws and Overlords - (3) Sparkles and Sphinxes (forthcoming)T'QUEL MAGIC(1) Ephemeral Boundary - (2) Enduring Barrier - (3) Eternal BulwarkMULTIVERSE MUDDLE (forthcoming)(1) Vampyre Crypt - (2) Faie Castle - (3) Shadow Cave - (4) Demon CitadelSAMMY THE CAT(1) Cat in Charge - (2) Cat at Christmas - (3) Dog not in ChargeKILL BY CURE