Devastated by her fiance's betrayal, young Rachel Dempsy fled a life of privilege in Baltimore's high society for a hard-scrabble existence at her father's mission on the rugged shores of Lake Superior. There she tended the wounded brought to the mission's infirmary and vowed no man would ever touch her heart again--certainly not Black Hawk, the disturbingly sensual Ojibwa warrior she was tenderly nursing back to health.
Black Hawk had never allowed a woman to distract him from the dark dream of vengeance he had harbored against his hated Sioux enemy since boyhood. But soon the warmth in Rachel's eyes began melting the ice that shrouded his soul, and when danger threatened the mission, the fierce warrior spirited away the beautiful white angel to the safety of his own village. There Rachel discovered a new peace among the gentle Ojibwa, while the tenderness in Black Hawk's fiery touch ignited a sudden passion--convincing them both that they shared a love as bold and timeless as the untamed plains of the wild Northwest.