Fragments is an Anthology of five Short Stories from the pen of Caldon Mull and spans four decades of writing. The Stories include: Inferno, Fragments of Morning, Lawman, No heart for the matter; and The Folk and the Shellmen. Inferno: Trouble brews in the idyllic matriarchy. How any society deals with its dissidents is a measure of its maturity, and power and ideals are often uneasy bedfellows. Fragments of Morning: An Ode to Insomnia. What keeps you awake at night? Lawman: The crime-beleaguered city of eGoli in the near future has one sentinel; Ndou, the Lawman. No Heart for the Matter: Myths being what they are, are often simply accepted. What if the truth behind the myths of Lucifer is even stranger? The Folk and the Shellmen: The SS Kristos makes first contact with an ancient, technologically sophisticated alien society. This is that story.