Perhaps you used to love superhero comics but now think they're too juvenile to read. Or maybe you hate superheroes and love comics, but can't find alternative titles that grab your fancy. Maybe you've heard about manga but have not had the time to see what all the buzz is about.
If you have an interest in any area of graphic illustration and want to see what is current and good, this volume is for you. Here you will discover a broad variety of graphic stories and modern methods of telling them. In these pages you will explore the work of new and wonderful artists and creators, as well as new stories from seasoned professionals and award-winning illustrators and writers.
Year's Best Graphic Novels, Comics & Manga draws from the areas of monthly comics and collections, graphic novels, manga, self-published work, and small and independent presses. You will find old favorites and make new friends. Much of the work is in full color, but excellent black-and-white stories are also included. The first of its kind, Year's Best Graphic Novels, Comics & Manga will not disappoint either the fanatic comics fan or the casual reader. This volume is loaded with nuggets of gold and rare gems that await readers' discovery.