This is the 7th episode in the first season of A Most Dangerous Woman, a 9-episode serial from Serial Box Publishing.
As Theo's trial approaches, Marian pursues every possible lead in hopes of proving his innocence. She is keenly aware that he is losing heart every day that goes by, and that each of those days is a one that she lives without him by her side. But with her pregnancy advancing, her investigation must be curtailed -- at least, according to her family.
In Brenda Clough's deliciously authentic sequel to Wilkie Collins' The Woman in White, Marian Halcolmbe finds and marries her true love, Theo Camlet. But when Theo's first wife, who everyone believed to be dead, reappears, Marian and her brother in law Walter must delve into the darkest and most dangerous corners of London to save Theo from accusations of bigamy and murder, as well as the hangman's noose.