In one motion he had effectively stripped me of the desire to defy him, but as quiet moments passed, he let the excitement of the unknown slowly build again. That silent waiting held threat and wonder and sweet, sweet promises of pain.Misery.Emotional hell.The unexpected loss that my new husband and I shared had loosened the weak knots that held us together.I married the sexiest, coolest, smartest guy I'd ever known. We'd fallen hard and fast and I loved him with my whole heart. But grief threatened to unravel our newlywed bliss entirely.I tried to run from my pain, but it was faster, creeping out in front of me and leading the way as I ran.It led me to a place where I discovered the freedom of submitting to another's will.It led me to a place where I learned that physical ache could drown out the emotional.It led me to a place where I found pleasure in pain.It led me to Black Ties.Whatever your dark tastes may be, this is where you transition from your tattered and stained and mundane life into Black Ties, our underground world of pain and pleasure, dominance and submission.CONTENT WARNING: This book contains sexually explicit scenes and mature themes. Desi's story features a sexual journey that involves kink, bondage, multiple partners, a sex club, and questionable fidelity (with a purpose). It is not a standalone and the books must be read in order. This is book 1 of 2.TRIGGER WARNING: This book is about healing after a loss. A stillbirth occurs in the prologue. Details are brief and limited, but the emotions may be triggering for some readers.