Bruce Clark is the world's best dad. Born and raised as a Scientologist, the religion-cult's practices were his only reference points. At age 16, disillusionment had set in, and he was spewed out onto the streets uneducated and livid. Deep into adulthood he remained pretty much like that, until the love of a good woman grounded him. They got married and, at age 47, he was a father. His story begins there.
Love, Sex, Fleas, God is Clark's terrifically sad and funny account of life and parenthood seen through the eyes of one who knows about vulnerability. A father who would do anything to protect his children and rear them well, and a man who feels a stab every day as his wife leaves for work. Tending to infants, gently nudging their ascendency, becoming barely more than their launch pad into life, Clark's story is What Women Want turned on its feet.This book makes you laugh and cry. It grips your heart and shows both the adult and child in you how frail and glorious a human life is.