The world of Onea has fallen, sacrificed to the conflict between the Children of the Creator. Despite their best efforts, the People of the Dragon failed to save their world, but earned places in the Heavens for their bravery. However, the conflict between the Creator and his Children is far from over. On another of the Creator's worlds, Espre, a delicate state of peace exists between three powerful factions. On the continent of Cadaria, a thriving ancient empire prospers under the rule of Emperor Ender Lorien, the eleventh Lorien Emperor. For nearly two thousand years, the Cadarian Empire has thrived despite constant threats, defended by an elite group of warriors known as the Knights of the Flashing Blade. Their ancient enemy, the Dark Continent of Mythryn is ruled by creatures known as the Dark Gods, usurpers and traitors cast down from the Heavens, doomed to live out eternity in the world of mortals. Timeless and mythical beasts also roam the lands; dragons whose origins can be traced to the beginnings of the Cosmos itself also call Espre home, and see themselves as the dominant species. This volatile mix of incendiary components need only a spark to ignite into full and uncontrollable war, and an enigmatic being known as Dorovar wants nothing more than to burn the whole of Creation down. Through his chosen followers, his Heralds, Dorovar brings devastation and destruction to anything that stands between him and his ultimate goal; the subjugation of the Cosmos, and the death of the Creator. The future of the whole of Creation is at stake as The Quietus of Fate series continues in Reflections in Darkness.