This is our third adventure 'n we're diggin inta the secrets of the last monastery record book we found. I'm tellin ya, them monks was mighty clever at writin codes 'n such. Sam was stumped 'n workin his tail off till he ran across the key 't it all. Here's where yer gonna meet Big Mike 'n yer in fer a thrill meetin this feller. He's the head of the Pinkertons office in New Orleans 'n he's an archeologist 't boot. He ain't called Big Mike fer nothin 'n I'll tell ya all bout that. In fact Sam 'n me was so impressed with him we asked him 't join us in a treasure huntin company we was settin up. He was as happy as a pig in a mud hole 't join us 'n so was we 't have him. Big Mike knew near as much bout that treasure we was lookin fer as we did. He told us he knew just where it was, but we knew better. While we was trackin it down we had some gun hawks after us that Uncle Timothy had hired. Yep, the old devil was still after us 'n the treasures. I'm tellin ya he was dead set on gettin them treasures 'n puttin an end 't us. Ya ain't gonna believe what Big Mike done 't them gun hawks when they finally caught up 't us. It's likely 't make yer skin crawl some so brace yerself when ya get 't that part. We set sail in this tale so ya need 't get yer sea legs under ya. Ya might as well do it now cause there's a lot more sea goin adventures ahead of us. I'm ready if yer ready pard. Gramps